
Thanks Easter Bunny!

I could not wait for the arrival of little Addy on Easter Sunday. Unfortunately, her mom had to work and then had another engagement to attend before they could come over. Mandy called on her way over and I sent grandpa outside to hide the eggs. He put them in places that would be easy enough to find, but far enough apart to make the whole hunt last for more than 2 minutes.

The sheer joy on her face when she found that first egg...it was worth a million! We "helped" her find the first and the second, and then she was off. We had a momentary standoff to keep her from chucking eggs into the pond, but she overcame the urge and pressed on. We just gave her a push in the right direction.

That child never broke a single egg, she didn't dump them, she just carried her little basket around until we were done.

We had a little dinner and she modeled her new dress.

She's an amazing ray of sunshine the moment she walks into the room. Her smile just captivates you, she flashes that little smile and then takes your hand. Oh, if I could just keep her this little and away from the world...

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