
First Day in the Garden

I love living in Ohio, but by the time Spring rolls around, I'm ready for the snow to be gone! I'm always so anxious to get out into the garden and last year, we got bit a little by frost because we put some plants into the ground too early.

I don't see us putting any tomatoes or anything else in until after the May 15 date, but we did get the opportunity to work up the ground and plant a few things that can go in REALLY early!

I got in my garlic (first time for this). Hope that works out well. We got the red onions planted along with some spinach, a sweet and a spicy mesculin and assorted leaf lettuce. It reminds me of being a kid when my Mummum would send me to the garden with a bowl and a pair of scissors and tell me to bring back a salad. You'd cut some lettuce, pull a green onion or two and a couple of radishes. She'd clean it all and make a delicious salad!

Addy may be a bit too small for that now, but grandma will get in some practice before she's ready! I did fix her up with a small set of garden tools just for her. We'll see if we can't find a small patch and plant a little something, maybe a giant sunflower!

We were entertained by a very large toad who seemed to be very content with us in his garden.

We uncovered the strawberries and are seeing blossoms...here's hoping for a good haul of berries!!!

The rhubarb is coming along nicely and the blackberry bushes are showing the first signs of green leaves.

Enjoy the gifts that God has given us.

1 comment:

dyanna said...

I like your blog.I'm waiting for your new posts.